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Docker Compose Secrets Manager

Dec 2023

TL;Dr: store your secrets in git alongside your compose.yml file. My new service, dcsm, decrypts the secrets and templates them into your config files.

Primer on docker compose Repos

Lately, there's been a thriving ecosystem for running self-hosted services using docker. Packaging services with docker means abstracting away the complexities of configuring a local environment. Updates are consistent across services. Plus, there are lots of utilities to make life easier. For instance, traefik will automatically terminate SSL and reverse-proxy to your service -- no more manual certificate management. As a result, I am running increasingly more services using docker compose files.

I consider each compose.yml file to define a "cluster" of services that are logically grouped. For instance, I have a media cluster that handles movie (jellyfin), music (navidrome), book (calibre-web), and audiobook (audiobookshelf) hosting services.

I keep each cluster in its own git repo. The repo includes the compose.yml file and the configuration for all the services in that file. Many services do not need any configuration beyond what is in the environment key of the compose.yml. Often, though, a config file is required or is a more ergonomic way to specify the configuration. For instance, all my clusters have a config/traefik/traefik.yml file to configure traefik. I then bind-mount the config files into the container filesystem:

  - ./config/traefik:/etc/traefik

How to Manage Secrets?

Suppose I need a credential inside that config file? Before writing dcsm, I was at the mercy of the service author. For instance, every piece of grafana's configuration can be overridden with environment variables. So, I could check a grafana.ini file into the repo with most of my config. Then, to add a secret (e.g., an OpenID-Connect client id/secret pair), I would:

  1. create a grafana/environment file containing just the overridden secret keys
  2. add the file to compose.yml under env_file:
    - path/to/grafana/environment

This is confusing -- now the configuration is split between several places. Also, the grafana/environment file could not be checked into the repo. Its management becomes out-of-band; as a DevOps practitioner, I don't like that.

Grafana is one of the better services here. Lots of services require using a config file. Sometimes, you can extract just the secret-containing part of the config and manage that out-of-band. Then there are services like synapse which requires a bunch of secrets in a common config file and has no mechanism for either including environment variables in the config or sourcing sub-files. Now, your entire config file cannot be checked into the repo.


dcsm is a simple service containing some python code and age for symmetric-key encryption. To use DCSM, you add it to your compose.yml:

    build: .
      - DCSM_KEYFILE=/example/key.private
      - DCSM_SECRETS_FILE=/example/secrets.encrypted
      - DCSM_SOURCE_FILE=/example/secrets.yaml
      - DCSM_TEMPLATE_DIR=/example/templates
      - ./example:/example

The variables DCSM_KEYFILE and DCSM_SECRETS_FILE are required for basic operation. You may optionally set DCSM_SOURCE_FILE to tell dcsm about your unencrypted secrets source. This allows you to use the encrypt and decrypt commands, though you can also perform those operations by running age locally.

Your secrets source is a yaml file containing your secrets. For example:

GRAFANA_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: "this is also a secret"

This file, along with your DCSM_KEYFILE, should be .git-ignoreed from your repo The keyfile must be copied out-of-band between your dev environment and your cluster runtime machine.

You may set any number of directories with the environment variable prefix DCSM_TEMPLATE_. In these directories, dcsm will find files ending with .template and replace template strings with secrets from your encrypted DCSM_SECRETS_FILE. For example, here is that grafana config file:

enabled = true
scopes = openid profile email

This approach enables you to keep your cluster repo consistent. You can easily refer to a secret in multiple places. Finally -- if you need to pass secrets as environment variables, you can just template an env_file. For instance, your template could be:


If you store this file in your repo at config/grafana/oauth.env.template, then you could use it like so:

    image: ghcr.io/igor47/dcsm:v0.3.0
      - DCSM_KEYFILE=/secrets/key.private
      - DCSM_SECRETS_FILE=/secrets/secrets.encrypted
      - DCSM_SOURCE_FILE=/secrets/secrets.yaml
      - DCSM_TEMPLATE_DIR=/config
      - ./secrets:/secrets
      - ./config:/config

    image: grafana/grafana-enterprise
    restart: unless-stopped
        condition: service_completed_successfully
      - ./config/grafana/oauth.env

You can see that grafana has a depends_on the success of dcsm. This allows dcsm to run first and template your config files with your secrets. By the time the grafana service starts, the config files are ready for action!

That's It

I wrote this tool to meet my own need, but I hope others will find it useful as well. I think managing clusters via a configuration-as-code/infrastructure-as-code repo works pretty well. Secret management was the missing piece -- but, with dcsm, no longer.

Drop me a line! igor47@